V07 update

DocsGPT v0.7.0 Update: Embracing Efficiency and Comfort

Don't let millions of white pixels burn your eyes out

We're thrilled to announce the release of DocsGPT version 0.7.0, marking another milestone in our continuous journey of innovation and user-centric development. This update introduces a host of new features, improvements, and essential updates, designed to streamline your experience and protect your eyes while handling documents.

Check out the live version
Dark mode showcase

Public LLM Endpoint

Embrace simplicity with our Public LLM endpoint, now available during the DocsGPT installation. With the inclusion of the DocsGPT-7b model, setting up and running your own deployment of DocsGPT is more straightforward than ever. No need for external model downloads or complex configurations.

MongoDB Atlas Integration

Our recent integration with MongoDB Atlas as a vector store has opened up new horizons in data management. MongoDB Atlas's power in CRUD operations transforms the way you handle updates and manage data.

The seamless handling of multiple embeddings links directly to Large Language Models, bypassing the need for separate collections or tables. This not only streamlines your data architecture but also prevents data duplication, enhancing the synergy between various LLMs and their embeddings.

Mongo env graph

Dark Theme

Responding to popular demand, we introduce a sleek dark theme. No more straining your eyes with millions of white pixels. The dark theme ensures a comfortable and strain-free user experience, especially during extended periods of use.

Additional Updates:

This version also includes numerous bug fixes and security updates, ensuring a more reliable and secure platform. We're continuously evolving and adding more features to enhance your experience.

Join the DocsGPT v0.7.0 Experience

Keep up to date by following us on GitHub, Discord, and X. Your involvement is crucial in our quest to redefine project documentation, making it more efficient, user-friendly, and effective. Join us in this exciting journey with DocsGPT v0.7.0. Discover the future of document communication, now more accessible and comfortable than ever! 🚀📚