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Accurate and easy customer recommendations

Cutting-edge AI for customer personalisation

Innovative proprietary model designed to make customer recommendations easy and accurate. Our model has been rigorously tested and has consistently outperformed competitors’ solutions. PersonalisationAI provides customised recommendations to users, based on their interactions, helping to increase your sales and conversion rates.

Use it now on shopify for free. Experience the power of our model and witness the impact it can have on your business. Try it out today and see for yourself how PersonalisationAI can revolutionise the way you make customer recommendations.

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Personalised experience


By analysing customer behaviour, the model identifies similar items that customers are likely to purchase or engage with, increasing your sales and conversion rates. Model adapts to your data sources, either its website or email campaign interactions or enriched data from 3rd party sources. Even if you change your data tracking plan old data will not be lost.

Read more on how we used our adaptable AI with this Jewellery company. They utilised multiple sources and we delivered exceptional results.

Integration Options for Maximum Flexibility

If you have a data warehouse or data lakehouse or you are not there yet - we will help you along the way and help you integrate it in your existing environment. PersonalisationAI can be easily integrated within a website, application or a custom solution for ads, marketing and other purposes. Our model is designed to be flexible and can be tailored to meet your specific business requirements.

If you're looking for an effective way to increase your sales and conversion rates, PersonalisationAI is the solution you've been searching for. Its flexibility and integration options make it a perfect fit for any business looking to improve their customer experience. Try it out today and see the difference for yourself!

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