V03 update

DocsGPT v0.6.0 Update: Settings, New Features and More

Unveiling the Next Chapter in Document Handling

We are excited to announce the release of DocsGPT version 0.6.0. This update brings a suite of new features, improvements, and bug fixes, further enhancing the platform's capabilities in handling documents.

Check out the live version
Update settings

New Settings Menu

Tailor your DocsGPT experience directly from the user interface. Customize prompts, adjust tone and strictness, and control model responses to fit your needs. This new feature also includes a comprehensive view of ingested documents, making your interaction with DocsGPT more personalized and efficient than ever. Theming support and language options will be added later.

Update settings


We fine-tuned Mistral-7b and published it on huggingface. It ensures better quality of RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) type of responses and well as our prompt structure. On both, public and internal, tests we have found a significant improvement from our previous model, on some even outperforming Gtp3.5-turbo.

Enhanced User Experience and Functionality

Anthropic Support: Experience the cutting-edge with integrated support for advanced AI models.

AWS SageMaker Support: Execute inferences from models deployed on AWS SageMaker seamlessly.

Mock Backend: Test your frontend effortlessly with a simple server setup, independent of full-scale dependencies.

Table Support: Added engaging and visually appealing tables in your responses with enhanced markdown support.

OpenAPI3 Parser: Efficiently ingest and process OpenAPI-formatted files.

UI Enhancements: Experience smoother navigation with additions like a scroll-to-bottom button, navigation bar updates and a refreshed Hero section UI.

Code Quality and Error Handling

Committing to excellence, we've made significant strides in code refinement. This includes removing unnecessary files, correcting typos, simplifying JSX conditional rendering, and backend code refactoring for improved readability and scalability.

We've addressed numerous issues, from broken tests to UI alignment problems, overflowing text messages, and import bugs. These fixes are crucial in ensuring a smoother and more efficient user experience.

Stay Updated and Contribute

We're continuously working on adding more features. Stay updated by following us on GitHub . Your involvement helps us keep redefining the interaction with project documentation, making it more efficient, user-friendly, and effective.

Join us in this journey with DocsGPT v0.6.0, and experience the future of document communication! 🚀📚